Meet the Founders

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    Clifton D. Cooper

    Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
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    Greg Middleton

    Co-founder & Chief Operating OfficerRead More img

We've worked with clients from numerous industries and in various countries; the one thing they all had in common? An overworked and over stressed staff. These conversations led us to begin researching how we could position our products and skillsets to make the greatest impact. During this time we found a study by Harvard Professor, Ashley Whillans, that suggests you should buy the negative minutes out of your day in order to be happier. What does this mean? Sure, as a business or an employee, you are capable of getting everything done. But should you? Would you be happier and more productive if you outsourced data gathering and analytics, design or any other tasks that distracts you from your primary goal. Pocial offers you the opportunity in 1 of 3 ways.: • Schedule a 30 min consultation, share the aspects of work that drive you crazy and let us show you how we can help. • Start the free trial of our content creation platform to see immediate results and increase your efficiency over night. • Sign up for our Tips and Best Practices email. It's extremely brief and provides insight into tools and tricks we've learned over the last 25 years No matter your decision, we hope that you'll read the study and consider reclaiming your time to pursue the things that make you happy!